Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

Exercises of Soal UN SMK 2011

Prediction Problem UN SMK 2011 we collated and applied to vocational or vocational high school or even good technique in preparation for the Non-Technical Vocational High School in 2011 the UN a more mature and focused, because have been prepared by the teachers are experienced in their field. We prefer the UN mengistilahkan Prediction Problem is with the term vocational training in 2011 directed CMS National Examination for all types of problems we tested trying to adjust to the grille of the National Examination issued by the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of National Education Republic of Indonesia.

Please Download all of Files of Exercises Soal UN SMK 2011

Problem Exercise 2011 SMK This examination consists of 2 (two) packages, the package 1 and package 2. Please refer to the Complete Exercise and have National Exam (UN) this CMS and you can download it for free because we give also the link to download the files.

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Blogspot Google Analytics

Tracking your visitors is critical to your Blogger blogs success. You need to know how people are finding your blog, how many people are viewing each post, how many of your readers convert into customers (or ad clicks,) and how to use this gathered information to improve your traffic and conversion rates.
Google has a free tool called Google Analytics that will allow you to track almost anything that your readers and visitors do while on your Google Blogger blog. This free tool from Google is the industry standard when it comes to tracking. Don't bother with the simple traffic counters as they will not give you all the information you need.

1) Total Traffic To Your Blog

By keeping track of the total visits to your blog you will be able to gauge what is working and what is not. This is very important to those that are advertising or collecting names, as you already know each visitor has a value.

2) Track Conversion Rates

With Google Analytics you can keep track of specific goals. For example your blog may be setup to collect names and email addresses. Google Analytics will allow you to track what percentage of your readers give you their name and email address. You will also be able to track how your visitors found your blog (keyword, search engine, referring site or advertisement,) what page they landed on and then pinpoint the specific page that convinced them to give you their name and email (aka: a conversion.)
If you discover that a specific keyword sending traffic to your website has a 90% conversion rate you can work on improving your search engine rankings for that keyword. If you notice that 50% of your potential registrations leave while reading your "Terms of Service" page, you can modify that page to decrease the loss of registrations. If you see that 30% of the visitors you get from YouTube decide to convert you can focus more effort on your video marketing campaigns. There are literally hundreds of other metrics you can use to improve your conversion rates as well, but without tracking your visitors you would never discover them!

3) Track The Physical Location Of Your Visitors

If you advertise online (specifically with Google Ads) Google Analytics will be immensely valuable to you. Google can log where your visitors are physically located. You may discover that 90% of your traffic is for some reason coming from a specific city in California. Not only would you save money on your ad campaigns, your ads would be far more targeted to the location. On top of that, if you ever plan on hosting an event, you will know which cities will be easiest to market to.
Data is collected over time. Even if you don't know how to read it, make sense of it or improve your website from it, it is absolutely critical that you start tracking your sites visitors immediately. You will eventually need to access this priceless data.

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